MEGADETH Drummer Shawn Drover - "We Made A Kick-Ass Video"

August 24, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news megadeth

MEGADETH drummer Shawn Drover has issued the following update:

"So I'm back from our new video ('Never Walk Alone') and I must say, it went very well. I arrived first, so of course I had first dibs on wardrobe, etc. For the shoot, if would be a few hours before my band-mates would arrive and be ready, and with the three-hour time-change from Atlanta to L.A., I should have grabbed something to eat - this would prove to be a huge mistake later on in the day. I was filmed a total of 14 times running through the song. Whether it was by myself, with various band-members, or the entire band, I certainly had the most video footage for this video (hey, I'm not complaining) unfortunately, the AC was not turned on until a few hours into this, and it was an OVEN in there for the first part. So, combine heat exhaustion with food deprivation and that equates one thing for Shawn - intense vomit session. It all worked out OK, actually, as this happened right as we broke for lunch (how ironic, eh?). After screaming Europe in the toilet and dozing off for 30 minutes face down on the bathroom floor, I jumped up and went right back at it for four more band takes!!! Now, of course I still felt like complete *#*"!!!!, but I figured, its not a party until somebody up-chuck's, so I took matters into my own hands. If that is not metal, I honestly do not know what metal is! ALL in all, we made a kick-ass video, man."

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