CRASH KELLY - Sean Kelly Endorsed By Rockfield Pickups

August 24, 2007, 16 years ago

news rock hard crash kelly

CRASH KELLY vocalist/guitarist Sean Kelly has issued the following update:

"I'm very pleased to announce that I am now officially endorsed by Rockfield Pickups out of Clearwater, Florida. Click the link and check me out on the artist page.

These pickups really scream, and in combination with my BC Rich guitars and my Kustom amps, all I have to do is hit the right notes once in a while!

The pickups came stock with my BC Rich Mockingbird, and I totally fell in love with the tone.

I will have some cool official CK release announcements coming down the pipe very soon... a little rock n roll magic to tide y'all over until the new CK album comes out in 2008!"

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