PRIMORDIAL - "The Mastering Is Done And Dusted"

September 1, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news primordial

Frontman A.A. Nemtheanga from Ireland's PRIMORDIAL, has issued the following update:

"So the album bar the mastering is done and dusted. We have to extend our utmost gratitude to Chris Fielding who performed above and beyond the call of duty with the least amount of fuss any of us have ever encountered in the studio. And I think when the scene hears the rich, powerful, full and old school sound from the album he is going to become much in demand. And why not…secondly also gratitude to Dave who made us feel more then welcome in the valleys and I think added some small part of spiritual presence to proceedings o) We will be back.

So yes you read it the album contains seven new tracks and near 55 minutes of new Primordial and yes we know all bands say this but I can honestly say we have never been happier with how an album sounds. It is as I stated rich and powerful, it has a real fucking drum sound and you can smell the amps burning into overdrive. And as a singer I can say Chris pushed me further then I’ve been before with the vocals and stark sound from the last album has been replaced with something far more immediate and effective. And the songs ?…to our ears at least this album sounds more focused, there is less flab on the songs. They are more direct in their intentions and there is a defiant vibe to the album that I for one did not expect but there it is in all its shameless glory. Fans of the band won’t be disappointed that is for sure. The mainstream might take notice or they might not. Who gives a fuck? We certainly don’t. Album number six and no compromise…not then, not now, not ever.

Our show at Party San Open Air was a solid seven outta ten but I think having been up all night the night previous to be at Dublin airport at 5 am really robbed us of a lot of our punch. Not to mention being picked up at 5 am the following morning to wait 14 hours in the airport. Sometimes in my most zombified moments I wonder is it all worth it, but then again I also think I’ve seen demons when I’ve had 4 hours sleep in 3 days. Tells its own story really. Anyway zombies and demons be damned we will be back. We are confirmed for the Arnhem Metal Meeting in the Netherlands and also the Winterfest in Cork. First time in Arnhem in three years I think and Cork in five or six….

So the day draws nearer. The artwork is being finalized and the branding irons are in the fire."

To The Nameless Dead will be out in Europe on November 24th. The first edition will contain a limited live disc recorded at Rock Hard Open Air in a lavish book format.

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