SPIRALARMS - New Songs Online

September 11, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news spiralarms

SPIRALARMS guitarist Craig Locicero has posted the following update at the band's MySpace page:

"Greets everyone,

So in the dead of the night we put up two more new songs for our friends to enjoy. We've been kinda quiet because of the amount of time we've spent working on the material and getting our business rocking too. We finally have all pieces working in concert for the first time and it feels great! We've always had the music and now we have our Management and Legal all working together to get this music from us to you ASAP!

Now the songs. We tend to give a lot more music to our fans at a rate that rip most bands heads off. What can I say, we write fast and we have fun doing it. We did a newbe called 'Do What I Want' and re-looked at another favorite 'Minds Eye'. We're hitting a stride here and I'm even more proud of this batch because of the confidence that everyone in the band has in each-other and it shows.

'Do What I Want' is our reckless abandon calling card for our philosophy as of late. The lyrics are an ambiguous invitation to anyone that feels regimented and forced to fit in. To be a Rebel we have to push our own horizons. That's just what we do. It was an extremely fun song to preform and record!

'Minds Eye' is an older song by our standards. We felt it needed to be heard the same way we've been bashing it out Live. It needed Chris's, Cornbreads' and Brad touch. Man, it's so much more than any of us expected. It's just Fucking strong! It pontificates our 'Beautifully Brutal' mantra. From beginning to end it shows the listener who we are and what we can do. I really believe that. So please enjoy our music that we Love to create.

Craig & the Spiral."

Check out the above mentioned samples at this location.

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