LIGHT THIS CITY Singer Offers Tour Journal Entry

September 24, 2007, 16 years ago

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Bay Area thrashers LIGHT THIS CITY are currently out on the road alongside German power metallers EDGUY, Canada's INTO ETERNITY and fellow Californians ECHOES OF ETERNITY and vocalist Laura Nichol has posted the first in a series of tour journals in conjunction with the webzine Papertiger. A few excerpts from the journal include:

On touring alongside Edguy:

Nichols: "As we pulled up alongside the headlining band's tour bus, our van still reeking of Hollywood's [aka guitarist Ryan Hansen] puke from Tuesday's drunken catastrophe (gotta love rookie guitarists…), we were greeted by some of the "Edguys", as we call them. I don't know what I expected from that band, but somehow I figured the dudes in a German Iron Maiden worship band with a song entitled "Lavatory Love Machine" couldn't be all bad. I mean, sure, they're older, slightly balding longhairs who tend to substitute ridiculous gestures and sounds for many actual English words. And sure, they give out after show booty passes to girls in the front row whose boyfriends are holding them on their shoulders… but Edguy are silly and fun-loving, with a set full of catchy melodies and high-kicks performed by their five-foot-seven singer, 'Hellfire Tobi'. I already know the words to almost every song in their hour-and-a-half long set!"

On touring throughout Canada:

Nichols: "Ok, I'm sorry I have to say this, but Canada is better than the United States. I'm sure every 'South Park'-loving American is going to hate me for it, but that's just because they haven't been in a touring band. Don't get me wrong; I will always appreciate having somewhere to play where anyone can come and watch our show, but in American venues, a smaller band like us is lucky to get a working bathroom and a free pizza for dinner. Canada is the land of milk and fucking honey for the touring-challenged. Clean showers, washing machines, and dryers line the huge, brightly-lit backstage, which is stocked with fresh fruits and veggies, deli-meats, soda, beer, and menus to order a variety of dinners from. French-Canadian crowds might not understand what the hell you're yelling at them, but they'll cheer as loud as they fucking can when you're done with your between-song-gibberish."

On touring city-by-city:

"So far, we have traveled through some of my most hated and most beloved cities. While there aren't many areas I dislike, and while I'll try to find the charm in any town, certain places feel like they are infected with shitty memories and people you'd like to forget, and the next day's change of atmosphere comes not a moment too soon. For once, it was actually easier for me to breathe in New York City. I know it sounds cheesy, but there is something freeing in the anonymity of places like that, especially when contrasted with the feeling of being afraid that you'll run into someone you know at any second in a small town."

To view the entire journal entry, visit Papertiger's blog section here, and expect more updates from the road. Light This City continues to support the band's latest effort, last year's 'Facing The Thousand' and will continue to do such on the recently announced Death By Decibels tour this fall, featuring VADER, MALEVOLENT CREATION, CATTLE DECAPITATION, Light This City, ABIGAIL WILLIAMS and VEIL OF MAYA.

Upcoming Light This City live dates can be viewed here.

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