TOKYO BLADE - Original Vocalist Alan Marsh Working On Film

September 27, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news tokyo blade

The following update has been posted at the MySpace page of NWOBHM legends TOKYO BLADE:

"Former Blade bass player Colin Riggs has been in touch to update me on some pretty cool news.

(Original vocalist) Al Marsh has written a script for a film about Tokyo Blade which is currently called When The Lights Go Down (a Shogun song title as well for all you geeks out there).

Along with Marc Angel and Ian Marshall, Colin and Al have re-recorded 'Night Of The Blade', 'If Heaven Is Hell' plus two new songs written by Colin, Al and Ian for the film.

For the record, Andy Boulton is not involved with this project, but marks the near complete reunion of sorts of the Mr Ice/Pumphouse line up! Cool shit indeed.

I asked about the possibility of any live shows but Colin said no plans hade been made YET.


More info as and when I hear more."

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