October 7, 2007, 16 years ago

bruce kulick news rock hard silent rage

According to the Kiss Related Recordings, former KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick will appear on the new SILENT RAGE album, Four-Letter Word, due out in early 2008 via Frontiers Records.

Commented Silent Rage guitarist/vocalist Jesse Damon: "After we signed with Frontiers Records this summer, and going into this new CD, we started discussing songs and direction. We also wanted to make this a killer CD with some special touches and performances. I called Bruce to see if he could come on board to perform on a song we had just recorded for the new CD called "Man or Machine, and told him I had written it back around the KISS Revenge Era, and the band had re-worked it some. I thought he'd be perfect for including his guitar solo touches on the song. He said yes, and turned out a killer performance. It's always a treat and a pleasure to work with Bruce. What a fantastic guitarist and true professional! We had also asked Eric Singer to record the drum track for it, and he would have, but his touring schedule conflicted with our recording schedule, and he wasn't available until December. Big Bummer, we'll catch him next time around! Anyway there's the KISS Related scoop. We're looking forward to unleashing this next CD of 11 songs plus a bonus track."

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