Former HADES Bassist Jimmy Schulman: "Musically, The Path We Were Going Was Extremely Exciting"

October 12, 2007, 16 years ago

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The following is a short interview conducted with former HADES bassist Jimmy Schulman:

Q: As Hades released Resisting Success you got in a car accident... what exactly happened?

A: (laughs) "I hit a tree! I fell asleep at the wheel and fucked myself up for awhile. Probably preventing the band from playing a large amount of shows which probably hurt us.Thankfully the band stood by me."

Q: How would you characterize your Hades time in the late 80s?

A: "Ummm... I don't know, of course I had a lot of fun. We were guys in our twenties playing speed metal... what could be wrong with that? Musically the path we were going was extremely exciting."

Q: How come you didn't play bass on Saviorself or The Downside?

A: "I was too busy saving myself (laughs). I had some problems. While I was busy "saving myself" I was in two bands in NYC... DREAMS OF VENUS and TEN MILE CEILING."

Q: Tell us about rejoining the band for DamNation ?

A: "Well... shit... once I was back in the band, I guess we had to work out a few situations, mainly the drummer. It was frustrating until we found Ron (Lipnicki). At that point everything seemed to click. There was a great deal of excitement in the air. DamNation was one of our better recordings. Everything felt natural. I guess the process to making the album began and it

felt good making it, playing with everybody once again."

Q: What are you doing now musically?

A: "I moved to California a year ago and I'm playing in an original blues band and having fun."

Q: Anything else you want to tell our readers?

A: "Just say no... otherwise you could have two more albums under your belt."

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