ALL THAT REMAINS - Live DVD Finally Due October 30th

October 12, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news dvd all that remains

BW&BK; has received the following press release:

For road warriors ALL THAT REMAINS, how difficult could it be to film and release their first-ever live concert DVD? As it turns out, extremely difficult: The band ran into an incredulous amount of obstacles delaying the release of the DVD not once or twice, but three times. Never ones to bow under the weight of hardship, All That Remains persevered, and the DVD is at last scheduled for a real street date of October 30th. Live audio from the DVD will be available on digital service providers as of November 6th.

"We are wicked pumped to be able to offer our fans a feature-packed DVD," commented frontman Phil Labonte. "Thanks to all the ATR fans everywhere who have waited patiently for this. It's a long time coming, and we feel like it's full of good stuff and worth the wait!"

Originally set for a summer release, the DVD was supposed to consist of the All That Remains' show at Philadelphia's The Theater Of The Living Arts, filmed in early spring. All seemed to go well with the shoot, until the production company discovered that portions of audio in several songs had not been recorded (strike one). This necessitated another shoot to correct the faulty audio. The next filming took place at Baltimore's The Recher Theater in July. This time the audio recording was successful, but unfortunately that didn't mean all was well and on schedule.

Within days of completing the reshoot, the production company filed for bankruptcy and its assets (including the entirety of the All That Remains footage) were seized by the IRS (strike two). After a somewhat lengthy legal battle, the footage was finally recovered and the DVD's release was seemingly back on track for mid-October.

Just when it seemed unlikely that any other problems could arise... surprise, surprise – there was one more setback in store. Longtime video game devotees, All That Remains often use the music from the wildly popular game, Halo for their entrance during their stage show on tour. This entrance and the Halo music was included in the DVD. ATR's label applied for clearance of the music and were lead to believe that it would be approved, but at the last minute were denied (strike three).

But this isn't baseball, folks. All That Remains were down, but not out. The DVD was quickly re-edited to exclude the Halo theme song and is finally set for an October 30th release date.

In other ATR news, fans will soon have their very own All That Remains video game to enjoy. Housed on the band's website,, All That Remains Van Driver will premiere next week. The game (designed by Prod) is inspired by Spy-Hunter: the player is ATR's van driver and the goal is to get the band to their gig, along the way dodging roadkill, old ladies, potholes, etc. After each of five rounds the player gets to view sneak peeks of performances from the DVD. Prizes will be awarded to the players with the ten highest scores; the player with the highest score will receive a Guitar Hero II video game, bundled with an autographed guitar.

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