PARADISE LOST - UK, Finland Support Acts Confirmed; Drummer Jeff Singer's Tour Blog - Part 4 Available

October 24, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news paradise lost uk

PARADISE LOST check in with the following:

"The support for Paradise Lost's UK tour dates in December has been confirmed today as NOVEMBRE.

For the two Paradise Lost shows in Finland later in December, GODSPLAGUE will support the Helsinki show, and SWALLOW THE SUN will support the Tampere show."

Meanwhile, drummer Jeff Singer has issued the following, Part 4 of his "Tour Blog":

"It is midday, we are somewhere between Quebec and Toronto and it is time to bring you upto date with the end of the European tour. I have genuinely been hammered with requests for these blogs. I feel like J K Rowling without the bank balance, the hair and don’t worry, no one dies at the end!

The European tour ended with a flourish. We had a hideously expensive day off in Copenhagen, where we had no hotel and no bus power so were forced to wander the streets like homeless that never happened to Bucks Fizz! Milly shaved my head, not in a Britney style protest if any one is worried about my sanity, just because it was looking a bit scruffy. We were in an Irish bar by 8pm for drinks before dinner. I drank my ciders so quickly I got pretty drunk and apparently went through all the drinkers emotions in about ten minutes. Partying....everyone being my best mate, got a bit pissed off and loud, went to sleep!

So, back into Germany for our last shows. Hamburg was amazing as was Bochum. Sold out both shows. Audiences were very loud and enthusiastic. Now . Anyone will tell you that I am not a drinker and me being leathered is less common than Holmesey buying a pint. I am not saying he is tight but he dropped a pound coin the other day and he was down so fast it hit him on the back of the head!! So there I was after Hamburg, 6am, with Aaron, unable to speak anymore. Apparently I just pointed in the direction of my bunk and waved goodbye.

After Bochum, where I was so annoyed about being beaten at table football by a 17 year old that I had to go to bed (being a father hasn’t taught me to be patient), we hit our last show in Utrecht. Beautiful day again, dreadful hangovers for Milly and Danny who had been drinking WRONG Island Ice Teas all night. We had the world’s worst curry pre show. Danny’s chicken was raw. “ Ok, I only charge half price!” Cut price salmonella on offer in Utrecht. Show was great and then seemingly before it began it was over.

Full respect to all who worked so hard to make a very successful tour. Milly, Danny, Mel, Rob, Paul (thatsch wroight. Oi hayve som Schokomeyl) and Gary. Also thanks to Eyes Of Eden and Neurosonic who were easy and fun to tag along with.

After the tour we were dropped in London for a day, sorted out our visas for the American tour and then finally went home for three days of bliss....get in!! the US."

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