MYGRAIN Finish Recording New Album

October 31, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news mygrain

Finnish melodic death metal act MYGRAIN has issued the following update:

"Signs Of Existence has finally been recorded! Every chord and beat is on the tape and there's nothing that can save us anymore. We're extremely happy with the result and as we had a tiny pre-pre-listening session for a small amount of people last weekend, they seemed to be content too. The mastering process will take place next Tuesday at Finnvox Studios and after that there's nothing to do but wait for the cd:s to arrive from the factory (and to hope no one fucks up this time).

In a couple of months we'll let you know the Finnish tour dates. There are a couple of them confirmed already but you just have to be patient for a lil' while. There's gonna be new exciting places to conquer, so see you on the road next spring! Before that, we will launch renewed website on this same address, so stay tuned."

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