FACE DOWN Split With Guitarist; Statement Available

November 1, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news face down

Sweden's FACE DOWN have announced that they have parted ways with guitarist Joacim Carlsson.

A departing statement from Joacim reads: "So, all things must come to an end and this is the end of the FD road for me. For the past months my interest and motivation has waned considerably and finally I came to the tough conclusion that I shouldn't be in a band when I can't dedicate myself 100%. Since neither I or the band want to do things half-assed, the best solution for everybody is for me to step down from my position as guitar player of FD. Simple as that.

Needless to say, there will be no mud-slinging or harsh words from either party, as this is a mutual decision. I wish the guys the best of luck with the new album (like they need it, they have the talent to make it happen).

As it's impossible for me to quit music, and my heart is very much into extreme music, I will continue to let my freak flag fly in my death/grind band GENERAL SURGERY and my hardcore punk band NICE IDIOT Be sure to check us out, you might like it.

In conclusion; thanks to the band for all the good times, and most of all thanks to the fans for supporting us through the years. Keep the music alive!"

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