Ex-SOILWORK Guitarist PETER WICHERS - "Bjorn Keeps Blowing Me Away On Every Album He Does"

November 1, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news soilwork peter wichers

Metal-Rules.com recently caught up with ex-SOILWORK guitarist Peter Wichers. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: Some time ago you left the spotlight of Soilwork to work as a producer. How has that been working out for you?

Wichers: "Things have been pretty good, I have been moving around a lot in the US to find the place for my wife and me, and after a year in LA we decided to move to Nashville and get a house. I have been writing and producing fulltime since I left Soilwork so I can't really complain."

Q: Soilwork just released their first album ever that does not involve you (Sworn To A Great Divide). Have you heard it? If so, what are your thoughts?

Wichers: "I thought it was great! Bjorn keeps blowing me away on every album he does!"

Q: Is there any material on it that came from things you might have written before your departure?

Wichers: "Well, I might have had one or two riffs that I used for the record, but all songs are brand spanking new."

Q: Do you still keep in contact with the guys in Soilwork?

Wichers: "I keep in touch with Bjorn and I do speak to the other guys occasionally, but its hard when you live so far away from each other."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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