RICKY WARWICK Looking To Record Third Solo Effort

November 18, 2007, 16 years ago

news rock hard ricky warwick

THE ALMIGHTY frontman/CIRCUS DIABLO guitarist Ricky Warwick has issued the following post-road update:

"When am I going to learn to stop hexing myself? You’d think I’d have learned by now. There I was telling everybody and anyone how amazing the tour was going (and it was) then we get to the French port of Calais to board the ferry to take us to Blighty for the final leg and there is a problem with Keith’s (Caputo's - LIFE OF AGONY) visa and that’s where it all really came to a premature end. And just for the record Keith and his band where totally devastated, but there was really nothing that could be done to salvage the situation at such short notice.

Keith, his band and crew had been brilliant to me on the tour, making me feel like one of the family from day one. I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for such a great tour. I know we will be doing more shows together in the future. Anyway back to Calais. This of course all went done at 4:30 A.M. on a Sunday morning.

So I found myself on hour later waving goodbye to Keith, band, crew and tour bus. Not at all how I imagined we would be saying our goodbye’s as I thought we would be doing a week later in Sheffield. So I was left standing outside the Eurostar Station with my guitar, suitcase, box full of merchandise and my computer bag waiting two hours for the station to open.

Thank God Jango, the brilliant Tattoo artist who was on the road with us, was with me as I could never have managed to haul all my stuff on my own. Jango loved my song 'I Can See My Life From Here' so much that he asked me to write the title of it down in my own handwriting, he then got the title of the song tattooed on his wrist, a really nice honour for me.

I vowed to carry on with the UK dates on my own as best I could but as the tour was promoted as a package this was to prove easier said than done in some places Three of the promoters decided to cancel - Cardiff, Glasgow (which I was very gutted about) and Sheffield.

I finished off the trip playing a headline solo show in Lisburn, N. Ireland - where a great night was had by all.

I am back home now in LA, writing and working on some new songs. As you know the EP Love Owes is out now. It is limited to 1000 copies only and is selling fast, so if you haven’t ordered it yet… time is a ticking!

I will be playing a few CA shows with Circus Diablo up until the end of the year and will be announcing a few more solo shows very soon.

Stand by for some big news regarding the recording of my third full-length solo album in the next few days and touring plans for 2008!"

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