Update: DREAM THEATER To Play Over Xbox LIVE In Game With Fame Program

December 4, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news live dream theater

As announced previously, DREAM THEATER are featured as the Xbox LIVE Artist Of The Month for the month of December.

The band's site has been updated with the following:

- Dream Theater will be the special guests on XBox 360's Game With Fame on Wednesday, December 5th at 5 -7 PM (EST) ('Crimson Skies' and other).
- Come play with the band!

- LIVE members on Xbox 360 will have access to exclusive performance, interview, and behind the scenes footage from Dream Theater's recent tour.
- Dream Theater will be playing over Xbox LIVE on December 5th in the Game With Fame program. Get onto Xbox LIVE and prepare to play your favorite band. Details at Xbox.com .

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