ILLDISPOSED Finish Mixing New Album

December 10, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news illdisposed

Danish metallers ILLDISPOSED have issued the following update from guitarist Jakob Batten:

"(Vocalist Bo)Summer and I just returned from Studio Fredman in Sweden where we mixed the album with Fredrik Nordström and his assistant Henke Rövkuk. Fredrik is truly a magician behind the mixing desk and the result is amazing. I remember – through a fog of beer, vodka and snus – that we agreed that this is the best Illdisposed album for ten years. Big words maybe – but that's for you to judge on March 28th when our bastard son number ten hits the streets.

In the meanwhile we'll party in Copenhagen on Saturday – and remember you can hear the show live at Radio4Sound.

I'll be back soon with an album title, song titles and cover artwork!


Jakob Batten himself."

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