PRIMITIVE GRAVEN IMAGE Recording New Album; Mid-2008 Release Planned

December 10, 2007, 16 years ago

news life in black primitive graven image

UK based black metal act PRIMITIVE GRAVEN IMAGE have issued the following update:


"First of all, Primitive Graven Image thank all thier fans for the awesome support so far. We would never have thought that in just a years time we would have turned into the mighty force that is now PGI. Being picked up by Open Grave Records in June 2007 was certainly a great thing and we would like to thank James and Meghan Mattern and every one else at Open Grave Records for the the support, encouragment, genorosity and huge belief in PGI!

After the succesfull debut album, Traversing The Awesome Night, released by OGR in April 2007, Primitive Graven Image received nothing but good feedback on the album and some excellent press in respected magazines such as Terrorizor and Powerplay.

Now being a full line up with Matt Platts on drums and Josh Coxon on bass, PGI have moved into thier home studio in Gerrards Cross (UK) and are currently recording a second album which will be released on Open Grave Records in mid 2008. The material is grim, dark and ultra heavy! The vibe is awesome! Beer is being drank, pizza is being eaten and lots of black metal vocals are being spewed into the night!

More updates soon! Keep it black!"

Primitive Graven Image

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