SEBASTIAN BACH - "There Would Be No Angel Down If There Was No Gilmore Girls"

January 1, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news sebastian bach recently caught up with vocalist Sebastian Bach to discuss his new solo album, Angel Down. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

RM: When did you realize “Now is the time to release this album”?

SB: "Well…I was finished basically. I had a record deal with MRV and EMI, and they gave me a deadline; there’s something to be said for a deadline. In a perfect world it would’ve come out when I was on tour with GUNS N’ ROSES, but I finally finished it and basically said, 'Fuck it, it’s done, here.'"

RM: Being such a veteran in the business what inspires to still come up with ideas?

SB: "Just the music itself, I love it way more than anything. That’s what I enjoy. I don’t enjoy the music business; I pretty much hate it, I don’t understand it, I don’t get it. I love the music, I love the feeling when I press play on the start of the song 'Angel Down' all the way to end of 'Falling Into You'. That’s why I do it. You thought seven years was a long time; I don’t know how long the next one is going to take (laughs)!"

RM: They call it the music business for a reason; how do you think, with all the ups and downs in your career, you’re still here after 20 years, and you may have put an album that could put you back on top?

SB: "Well…we’ll see about that, but it’s just my voice; that’s it. And the fact that I’ve been fortunate enough to have a career outside of music, whether it be Broadway or T.V. that gives me the money and the funds to actually make CDs. There would be no Angel Down if there was no Gilmore Girls. I mean the fans may not realize how much I love rock-n-roll. Most musicians don’t pay for their own albums; they pay for fucking Lamborghini’s and coke and other bullshit…or not even bullshit like mortgages. I take my own money out of my bank account and buy you Angel Down. That’s literally what I did. And as the CD industry continues to die, there’s going to be way less of these. Every rocker out there should know, when the consumer makes a choice of not buying a CD and downloading it on some Bit Torrent site or burning a copy from your friend, there’s not going to be any more CDs. That’s just the fact of the matter. When I like HATEBREED, HELLYEAH, REBEL MEETS REBEL, or Neil Young, or Sly and The Family Stone, I go out and buy the motherfucker on CD (laughs) because I want another one. I want to support the band, to support rock-n-roll. Every time you make a choice not to buy a CD, you put another nail in the coffin of rock. It’s up to everybody; there are no more CD stores, Wal-Mart and Best Buy have maybe one aisle left, and people ask me 'How come it took you seven years to do this?'…Who the fuck wants to do this? I love the music but the business part of it is completely miserable."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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