January 2, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news terror syndrome devin townsend

TERROR SYNDROME drummer Ryan van Poederooyen (THE DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND) has issued the following update:

"Hey everyone,

So, mixing starts today (January 2nd) and the guy we have decided to use for mixing the entire record is the one and only DEVIN TOWNSEND!

There were a few awesome guys we had to choose from but in the end Devin was the guy we wanted for several reasons.

To start, he's a multi-talented artist with amazing ideas in his approach to mixing and everything he does, he's very familiar with how a metal record should sound, he knows what sounds Terror Syndrome are looking for and how to get them and he's a bro to us that we can trust in getting one fuck of an awesome sounding record.

We've heard Devin's most recent projects (mix-wise) and they sound un-fucking-real!!!! I've personally seen this whole album through from start to finish in writing the music, producing the album and choosing the right guys for the band and I know the right choice has been made in having Devin mix, all of us in Terror Syndrome know he's the right guy for the job.

This debut album HAS to sound amazing for it's 2008 release and we know it will with Devin behind the mixing board.

There was a vision from the start when this album was supposed to be a solo record for myself, it has since evolved into a band with members who have given their all to this recording and we want this album to sound amazing for us but especially for our fans. Having Devin involved in mixing will help secure that vision.

So, mixing starts today, January 2nd 2008. We'll keep you updated on mixing and all the other news that comes through the Terror Syndrome camp.

Thanks for your always overwhelming support, you fans ALL fucking RULE! Keep spreading the TERROR and stay posted for more news as it happens....

Horns High,

Ryan and TS."

The upcoming debut CD will feature the following tentative tracklisting: 'Stupidity For All', 'Revolving Horror', 'Thrill Pill', 'Riot Of Red' (featuring Christofer Malmström), 'When God Was Sober'. 'Motionless'. 'Rusty Trombone' (featuring Alex Skolnick, Trevor Dunn), 'One Crime Closer to Hell', 'Disposable Empire' (featuring Byron Stroud), 'For Your Amusement', 'My Next Victim', 'Spinning Backwards' (featuring Devin Townsend, Michael Manring).

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