OBITUARY Set New Beer Sales Record At Venue In Holland

January 4, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news obituary

Tampa-based death metal legends OBITUARY have issued the following update:

"Last night we had an unbelievable show in Zwolle!

Thanks to the people at Hedon and to all of you that came out and supported us. Not only was it a sold out show, but the club set a new beer sales record!!!! What a great way to start the tour off.

Tonight's show is at 013 and this is one of the best venues in Europe! It should be a great show and we hope to see you all out here!!!!!"

Upcoming Obituary, HOLY MOSES, AVATAR European live dates include:


4 - Tilburg, Holland - 0 13
5 - Osnabrueck, Germany - Hyde Park
6 - Hamburg, Germany - Markthalle
8 - Warsaw. Poland - Proxima
9 - Krakow, Poland - Studio
10 - Graz, Austria - Orpheum
11 - Vienna, Austria - Planet Music
12 - Zagreb, Croatia - Boogaloo
14 - Florence, Italy - The Viper Room
15 - Milan, Italy - Alcatraz
16 - Lyon, France - CCO
17 - Barcelcona, Spain - Razzmatazz 2
18 - Madrid, Spain - Heineken
19 - Bergara, Spain - Sala Jam
21 - Rennes, France - Antipode
22 - Paris, France - La Locomotive
23 - Bochum, Germany - Zeche
24 - Frankfurt, Germany - Batschkapp
25 - Schweinfurt, Germany - Stattbahnhof
26 - Glauchau, Germany - Alte Spinnerei
27 - Prague, Chech Rep. - Abaton
29 - Budapest, Hungary - A 38
30 - Munich, Germany - Backstage
31 - Pratteln, Switzerland - Z7


1 - Stasbourg, France - La Laiterie
2 - Antwerpen, Belgium - Hof Ter Loo
3 - London, England - ULU

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