LYNAM Comments On CINDERELLA Frontman's Guest Appearance On New Record

January 25, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard cinderella lynam

LYNAM frontman Jacob Lynam recently spoke to the UK's Komodo Rock. A portion of the interview can be found below:

KR: You've got a new album that's ready and set to come out?

Jacob Lynam: "Yeah, it's a brand new record, it's called Tragic City Symphony and it's going to come out some time this year, in 2008. It's a straight ahead big sounding rock record, big sounding drums, big sounding guitars, full of arena anthems. We've got some really cool special guests on it; the whole band HINDER played on one song, and we also got Tom Keifer from CINDERELLA that made a guest appearance on it. We're just really really fired up about, we can't wait for everybody to hear it."

KR: With the guest appearances, how did the Tom Keifer appearance come about?

JL: "The way that came about was we played with Cinderella a couple of shows last year, and I gave Tom one of our records, Slave To The Machine, the first record we did. He called my manager and asked my manager to have me call him, because he was a big fan of the record. I called him, and he told me that it hadn't left the CD player since I gave it to him, and that he absolutely loved the record. He loved the production on the record, and he wanted our producer Jason Elgin to mix a song for him. I was like 'We're actually in the studio with him now, so if you want to come down and you guys talk, we'd love to have you on a song,' and he was so kind to do so. He came down to Birmingham where we were recording and he spoke to Jason, and he played slide guitar on a song called 'Enemy'."

KR: Was the Hinder thing similar?

JL: "With Hinder, we toured with those guys for two months. We all headed off and we all became really close friends, and we asked them if they'd be on the new record, and they wanted to, so they came down, and performed on the same song Tom Keifer. We've got everybody on it!"

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