BW&BK Exclusive: WOODS OF YPRES Mastermind Comments On Joining Korea's NECRAMYTH; Live Footage Available, Gearing Up For Canadian Live Dates In July

February 2, 2008, 16 years ago

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BW&BK; recently hooked up with WOODS OF YPRES frontman/founder David Gold to discuss the band's new album, Woods 3: Deepest Roots And Darkest Blues. The following is a second excerpt from the interview, with Gold discussing his temporary move from Toronto, Ontario to Seoul, Korea and his position as the drummer for Korean death metal band NECRAMYTH.

"Within a few weeks of finishing my parts for Woods 3 in spring 2007, my whole life came crashing down from all angles in an unexpected way," Gold begins. "I was devastated like never before, but having learned a few things from my past, I refused to be a victim this time. I didn’t like where I was or what wad been happening so I decided to take this opportunity to make some drastic changes in my life and do something so different that it would blow my mind. Rather than dwelling and writing more doom, I decide to go have an adventure. I made a decision, landed a good job in Seoul, Korea on a one year contract, quit my marketing job of the last four years, packed my life into a box again, and in less than 10 days arrived in Seoul and started working. I’ve been here since July 1st 2007 and I will be flying home on July 1st 2008, Canada Day. One hard year in the far east. Things are strange as fuck out here, as you can well imagine. I don’t even know where I would start to explain it. However, I’ve been playing drums for a Korean death metal band called NECRAMYTH , and after the hefty purchase of a nice hand held vidcam I’ve been aggressively documenting my time with the extreme underground metal scene here in Seoul, South Korea (about 12 million people strong, third most expensive city in the world). I have killer footage from shows, rehearsals, drinking madness, mountains, temples, the oddities of Korea through Canadian eyes, I’m no Sam Dunn...yet...but I plan to put all of this together and release a 60 minute indy doc about my experience here. There are lots of evil, ripping metal bands here in Seoul - black, death, power, hardcore, all Korean female, tech, nu-metal, hardcore - that no one outside of Korea has ever heard of and along with the DVD, I plan to expose them all with a 'Korea Metal' compilation to introduce this scene to the rest of the world.

I’d been fortunate enough to make the right contacts with the perfect band as soon as I got here. I had initially planned to take a year off from metal after five solid years of Woods Of Ypres to regain some objectivity. I worked, ate and drank my way through my first three weeks here before I started e-mailing around to see what was happening in the scene. Before long I auditioned for Necramyth, joined and have been rehearsing and playing shows consistently since. In fact, I play way more shows here in Seoul than ever did in Toronto. The first show I played here was the Korea Happy Metal Festival at one of the big universities here, on a million dollar stage with lights, smoke and pyro. Of course, we also play all the basement metal clubs too, but overall Korea really has their shit together and organized when it comes to putting on a tight metal show. One of the coolest dynamics is that the people in the scene here are all really close with each other. It is tradition that all bands must go out to eat and drink together after a show, and we do, sometimes 30-50 of us at a time occupying a restaurant after a gig. Try that in Toronto!

The frontman / mastermind behind Necramyth, Pedro Chae, is a Spanish guy, fluent in Spanish, Korean and English, who works in sales in Korea for a company who amongst other things, sells rioter blasting water canons to politically charged places of the world. Pedro is a really smart, charismatic, passionate guy who loves metal and lives for being onstage. Necramyth are also notorious for being the most perverted and heavy drinking band in Korea, and that’s before you add a Canadian guy on a soul searching rampage of sex, drums and rock and roll in a foreign land. Needless to say, it’s been a blast and it’s been an honour to play with these guys. Getting back to playing heavy drums in a band was the best thing for me to do to get my mojo back, so I owe a lot to these guys for this opportunity. In a lot of ways, I think it saved my life. I have four months left and I know there’s a lot that I’m going to miss about this place. We start tracking drums for their next full length album in March. Wish me luck!

I'm intending to bring Necramyth and Korean black metal band OATHEAN home to Canada for a week long tour of Ontario and Quebec in July. It will be the first time that Korean metal bands have ever played Canada. This show is sure to strike fear in the hearts of many a Torontonian! More details to come in the next few months."

For a sample of what Gold and Necramyth have been doing onstage in Korea, see below:

Watch for the complete interview, coming soon.

As previously reported, an e-card for Woods 3: Deepest Roots And Darkest Blues, is available in two versions. Click the following links to check them out:

Dragged Across A Forest Floor Intro

The End of August Intro

The complete tracklist of the album is as follows: 'The Northern Cold', 'Iron Grudge', 'Your Ontario Town Is A Burial Ground', 'Through Chaos And Solitude I Came…', 'Years Of Silence (And The Private Joke)', 'Distractions Of Living Alone', 'Deepest Roots: Belief That All Is Lost', 'Darkest Blues: Relief That Nothing Can Be Done', 'Thrill Of The Struggle', 'December In Windsor', 'Trillium: The Third Of Three Winters 2004-2007' (instrumental), Song Of Redemption', 'End Of Tradition', 'To Lock Eyes With A Wild Beast', 'Mistakes Artists Make (The Dream Is Dead)'.

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