VILE Guitarist Colin Davis: "This New Album Will Be The Most Diverse Of All Our Albums"

February 14, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news vile

Guitarist Colin Davis from California-based death metallers VILE has issued the following update via the group's MySpace page:

"Hey everybody.

I have been getting a lot of e mails asking when the next Vile album will be out. Its been 2.5 years and its about time. We have typically released an album every 3 years. And by the time this new one actually comes out, it will probably be right on time!

The main reason that we take so much time is my fault. I like to go slow. I like to wait for the old ideas to go away and let them get replaced with new ones. If I go too fast, I am afraid that the albums could be too similar. This is a problem many bands have and I really don't want to get trapped that way. The music changes as life changes and waiting lets the albums each have their own identity and style.

Right now, we have about 7 songs finished. We will write a few more and then trim back one or two. For this album, I have been working with our new guitarist J.J. from DIVINE RAPTURE and so we have a greater amount of diversity. I have also been taking a lot of chances with the style and some of the songs are really different. But because of this difference, we were concerned that some of the music is just not true to the band's name. So we have pulled that stiff out to keep the identity of the band intact.

But I should say that this new album will be the most diverse of all our albums. We will have a few fast songs, a few mid tempo ones and even a super slow one. We also have way more melody than we ever had before and we are even using guitar synth for some parts. You might say that the new music is more like Vile meets DIMMU BORGIR. But then again, that is only some of the songs. They really vary!

The main reason why there will be such a wide variety of styles on this album is simple. We got bored. There is only so many times you can release a Floridian style American death metal album. As you know, our last album The New Age Of Chaos was more black metal-ish. But it was still fairly rooted in the American sound. For this upcoming album, I'd say we are looking at a more European sounding album.

My main goal is to release an album that is just damn good music. I could not care less about what label anyone puts on it, as long as it is good music. Now this is a statement that you also heard sell-out bands like METALLICA say. They lost pretty much all originality and drive for the music and then just said they don't care what you think.

I am fully aware that Vile is a death metal band and that we have a following of extreme metal fans. So I recognize the need to release an extreme metal album. And one that is high quality and original. But at the same time, I need to make music that does not repeat itself and is new with each release. So this is what is going to happen.

As soon as we lock down a contract, I will release a new song as a promo. Right now, we are still trying to figure out what we are doing with the label thing and as soon as we know, I'll let you know.

I thank you very much for keeping up with us and waiting. I also appreciate all of you checking out my blogs and accepting my decision to mix music with politics, so to say. I think that we all need to increase our awareness of what is happening around us and we each need to use whatever outlets we have to help others wake up. So I use the outlets that I have and you can use the ones you have. There should never be any barriers in front of expression no matter what it is.


Colin Davis."

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