ABYSMAL DAWN Sign To Relapse Records

February 15, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news abysmal dawn

Relapse Records has announced the signing of Los Angeles, CA’s ABYSMAL DAWN.

Abysmal Dawn (Jamie Boulanger - guitars, Charles Elliott - guitars/vocals, Terry Barajas - drums, Mike Cosio - bass) are currently working on their Relapse debut and follow-up to 2005’s From Ashes. The band has recently posted two new preview tracks from the forthcoming record, due out May 13th in North America (May 19th internationally), on their official MySpace page.

Abysmal Dawn’s guitarist Charles Elliott comments on the signing: "We are very happy to have finally found a proper home with one of the most respected metal labels in the world! Relapse has put out some of the best death, grind and experimental releases over the years and we feel very honored to belong to such a prestigious roster. Now that we have the full support of such a great label, it's time to get out there and show why Abysmal Dawn is a force to be reckoned with! See you all on tour in 2008!"

Abysmal Dawn tour dates:


7 - Mesa, AZ - Cell Block

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