SKINLAB Share New Song Titles

February 16, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news skinlab

Steev Esquivel of SKINLAB has issued the following update:

"We've been in pre-production recording mode for the last few weeks. This will be the first time Skinlab has ever spent so much quality time on pre-production. In the past, our producers would show up a couple days early prior to recording and run through some ideas with us on arrangements, vocals and tones. This time around, we've taking a more hands on approach with Snake behind the board engineering and recording everything so it can all be heard played back and arranged, rearranged and ultimately thought out so we get the best out of each song.

We've been getting a lot of emails asking what the new material sounds like? All I can say is that we've tried to take our favorite parts of Skinlab and combine them though each song individually. For instance, we have one of the slowest songs since 'Art Of Suffering/Noah' days called 'Still Suffering', sure to please all the old schools, one of the heaviest songs we've ever written, 'Scream At The World', which has been sounding pretty cool as the album title, but we'll see. 'Wolvsblood' is a super heavy song with sik ass vocal and guitar hooks in the vein of one of our all time favs ENTOMBED. 'We're All Gods Now' is a straight-up, beat-down tune, very aggressive with a new Skinlab flavor that hasn't really been heard yet. Just a nice brutal tune that should make all you thrashers happy. 'Suicide Notes' is lyrically probably one of the most intense songs we've written. A few others without titles are starting to take shape, we can't wait to share this music with you. This will be the best Skinlab record ever!

We will also be announcing a special Bay Area headlining show next week. For now make sure to get tickets for our show with FORBIDDEN, this is gonna be fuckin bad ass! Me and the rest of the guys are fuckin stoked, plus Gene Hoglan on drums... geeezus it's gonna be off the hook! February 24th at The Fat Cat in Modesto.

What kind of merch would you like to see from Skinlab? We've just hooked up with a killer new company, we'll be having tons of new shit for you to pick up as well as some oldies, you might have missed out on.

Let 'em know Skinlab is back ma'fuckers! Thanks for your support!"

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