DRACONIAN - New Interview Available Online

February 18, 2008, 16 years ago

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Vampire-Magazine.com has recently posted an interview they conducted with DRACONIAN vocalist/guitarist Anders Jacobsson. An excerpt follows:

Vampire-Magazine.com: Soon, the new album Turning Season Within will go on sale. I must say, it is different than your previous works. How did the decision to go into this new direction started? What influences made the band pursuit this new style?

Anders: "It just happened that way along the song-making process. We needed some up-tempo material for our set and things just went on from there. Personally I favor the slower and more melodic sound, but in order to be attention-grabbing we have to stay a bit diverse. I have no idea of influences really, but to me most of the new material sounds more Scandinavian than before. I guess the choice of studio put us there as well."

Vampire-Magazine.com: To me, each Draconian album is different in its own way: Where Lovers Mourn had more gothic elements, whereas Arcane Rain Fell was rather doomier. Is it fair to say that Draconian is a band that’s constantly evolving?

Anders: "I’d like to think so, but as far as the basis go I think we’ve already found our path and we out to stick to it. You can hear the typical Draconian elements in all four albums and this is what is important. You should experiment and try new things as long you don’t stray from the original sound. I truly hate when great bands deviate completely from their sound in order to catch a wider audience. Music is art and emotion and it should stay that way."

Vampire-Magazine.com: Also the characteristic doomy piano parts and female vocals are great as ever, as well as the prominent bass lines. These elements are typically Draconian, is it not? How important were they on Turning Season Within?

Anders: "I guess they are a typical ingredient of Andreas Karlsson (referring to the piano parts). I have no idea really, but I guess they add something to the picture. Personally, I think there should have been more parts like that and some more keyboard structures over all, but even if we wanted to, there was no time for it. Andreas was kinda busy and we had our asses full as it was."

Vampire-Magazine.com: Overall, how satisfied are you with this new album?

Anders: "Very satisfied. All of us are better and more skilled artists on this album and we finally got the sound we wanted. But as far as the actual style goes, I don’t think we are any better or worse. I love all songs we’ve made, but that doesn’t mean I love all of the recordings… far from it even. But with the skill we have today these older songs would be three times better. I think it’s important to aim a bit higher for each album... so the next one will be even better."

Head to this location to read the interview in its entirety.

Draconian will release Turning Season Within on February 29th (Europe) and March 4th, 2008 in the US through Napalm Records.

Turning Season within is set to feature the following tracks: 'Seasons Apart', 'When I Wake', 'Earthbound', 'Not Breathing', 'The Failure Epiphany', 'Morphine Cloud', 'Bloodflower', 'The Empty Stare' and 'September Ashes'.

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