GRAVE DIGGER Guitarist Manni Schmidt: "I've Got So Much To Tell You... But I Can't Tell You Yet"

February 19, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news grave digger

GRAVE DIGGER guitarist Manni Schmidt checks in with the following update:

"I've got so much to tell but I can’t tell you yet, since most of it isn’t confirmed, yet. There will be some more schedules with Grave Digger this year but I’ve also got interesting actions planned. I will report as soon as possible.

There are will be catalogue of Fame including the whole product range coming out right in time for this year’s “Musik Messe” which will also feature my favourite Fame amp named “Bulldozer” – see the picture. Connected to the Fame 4x12 Vintage 30 loud speakers this amp easily could be a weapon. You really should check it out at Music Store in Cologne.

May 30th should be marked in your calendar as that’s the day the new PERZONAL WAR will be in the stores with the song 'Shread' having a solo of mine.

So next week we’re going to begin song writing for the new GD album. We’ll lock in ourselves somewhere in Holland, get an overview over the first ideas and see where the journey’s going to take us. I’m really excited!

So, take care of yourselves, see you soon – Rock ‘n’ Roll!


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