PAIN: "Back In The Saddle"

February 25, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news pain

As previously reported, PAIN vocalist/guitarist Peter Tägtgren, bassist Johan Husgafvel and drummer David Wallin were assaulted in Lepizig, Germany on Friday, February 22nd during a day off on the band's current tour with NIGHTWISH.

The following update from Peter Tägtgren:

"First of all: This is the last post that will mention last Friday's mishap.

We've got a lot of messages and read tons of comments on the internet. Some good, some bad. And we would like to point out that what hapened has nothing to do with Germany. These fuckers that jumped us exist in every country. We were just at the wrong place in the wrong time.

We never spoke to them so they couldn't have known that we were from another country. Right now we're just glad that things went so "well" so that we can continue the tour.

If we would have been sober or if we would have known that they were coming I'm sure that I wouldn't have been able to write this post right now.

Thanks for all your nice coments, but as I wrote before this is behind us and now it's just almost full speed ahead. Everything taste better with stitches!"

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