Bassist Anthony Esposito - ACE FREHLEY Album Is "About 85% Done"

March 8, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard ace frehley

Currently on the road with legendary KISS guitarist ACE FREHLEY, bassist Anthony Esposito (LYNCH MOB) sat down with recently and spoke about a number of topics. Here are a few excerpts from the chat: How did you get involved with Ace?

Esposito: "It was a buddy of mine Frankie Gibson, who happened to pass away about a year ago. He was a killer jewelry designer. He designed all of Ace's jewelry. He was the one who introduced me to Ace. We went up to his house and played and that was it. We jammed and one of Ace's friends Jeff (who was a truck driver) played drums. So it was me, Ace, and the truck driver. I was really nervous that I didn't play well because the drummer wasn't a pro guy. But it was great! Everything was great!" What are your contributions to the upcoming solo release by Ace? Rumor has it the title for the new CD is called Pain In The Neck, do you know when it will be released?

Esposito: "It's not called 'Pain In The Neck' that's just a name of a song title (wouldn't reveal what it was called though). It's about 85% done. I play bass on the record, and Ace wrote all the songs. It was all his deal. Just trying to be there for him and do whatever he wants and let him be him. Who else contributed to the new CD?

Esposito: "Scott Coogan and Anton Fig on drums, Ace on guitars, and me on bass. How was it working in the studio with the guitarist who is revered by millions of people?

Esposito: "He is the most amazing player I have ever played with! He is a naturally great lead gifted musician! He is really open to everybody's ideas. Then he thinks and chooses. He is really wise and his decisions are always on. He has great instincts and he's a great songwriter!"

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