AEROSMITH - Joe Perry Knee Surgery Update

March 10, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard aerosmith

MSO PR reports:

"For the past two years, Joe Perry has put off much-needed knee surgery so that he could fulfill AEROSMITH’s live commitments and perform for fans.

During this time, the condition of his knee worsened and the pain became chronic.

Last weekend (February 29th - March 1st), his knee finally gave out on him after completing two shows with TAB THE BAND (which features his two sons, Adrian Perry and Tony Perry).

Joe was subsequently seen by his orthopedic surgeon, who has scheduled Joe for surgery Tuesday, March 18th.

Because of the necessary recovery time, Joe has had to cancel an upcoming solo show (April 5th, Niagara Falls, New York). He wants to apologize to fans who’ve been inconvenienced and thanks them for their longtime support.

If there’s one thing Joe Perry doesn’t like, it’s missing a show."

Stay tuned for further updates.

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