Bassist Freddie Vidales: "My Plans Are To Go As Far As I Can With ICED EARTH"

March 18, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news iced earth, the Romanian ICED EARTH website, has issued an interview with new bassist Freddie Vidales. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: First of all, what made you consider auditioning for Iced Earth ?

A: "Aside from the fact that they are a great and legendary band, bands of that caliber rarely, if ever, hold open auditions. They usually know several pro musicians that can fill the spot almost immediately. Just the thought that there was a chance I would be considered if I auditioned compelled me to record a DVD submission. I have seen several other bands, though not at the level of Iced Earth, post ads for auditions, but if I didn’t like the music or felt I would not enjoy myself doing it, then there’s no point in auditioning."

Q: How did the auditions go?

A: "Surprisingly well. Jon picked me up from the airport and we got along well from the beginning. I was a little nervous on the plane ride to Indiana that I might blow the audition, but after hanging out with Jon for a couple of hours before actually playing for him, I felt very relaxed and eager to show him what I could do."

Q: Isn't it a big leap, from death metal to a more melodic power/thrash metal ?

A: "Not for me because the style of death metal I played was more melodic and technical like the band DEATH. I’m used to playing technical music with different time signature changes and varying tempos. Iced Earth has a very wide range of material that I feel very comfortable playing."

Q: Were there any people that didn't accept the idea of you playing in Iced Earth ?

A: "Not at all. Everyone who matters to me has been very supportive and happy for me."

Q: What happened to INFUSION? It appears that your last release dates back in 2000, and you are currently unassigned to a record label.

A: "We had enough material to record a third album, but things were changing in Phoenix and with the music scene in general. So many of the clubs we had always played had closed down, and death metal was starting to go even further underground, until recently of course. We played our last show together in Phoenix in 2005. After that I moved to San Antonio and tried to get into the music scene down here, but it’s very different."

Q: Are you planning to go on with Infusion now that you are in Iced Earth? Should we expect a follow-up for Leveled soon?

A: "Now that I’m in Iced Earth, my plans are to go as far as I can with Iced Earth. No one can tell the future, but my plans do not involve any other bands."

Read the full interview at this location.

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