CAMP FREDDY - Special VIP Packages In The Works For Upcoming Roxy Shows, Founder BILLY MORRISON Issuing Limited Edition Solo Album

March 22, 2008, 16 years ago

camp freddy news vip rock hard billy morrison

CAMP FREDDY founder / CIRCUS DIABLO frontman Billy Morrison has issued the following update:

"First and foremost – The Camp Freddy shows at The Roxy. These five shows are shaping up to be the most exciting rock and roll the Strip has seen in a LONG time! Tickets will be on sale soon at $20, plus it seems that we will be putting together a very special VIP package as well (don’t tell me I don’t listen to your comments!!!). Entry to all five shows plus a bunch of other stuff including a personal soundcheck/hang out type thing. More details soon, but there will be a VERY LIMITED amount of these packages available for the month. Also, we have the competition to open the evening currently running – for all local bands, check out the Roxy website and submit your band. We’ve had a great reaction so far, and more submissions are coming in daily. We want YOU to open for us! And regarding the 30 day policy they have going on – nothing to do with Camp Freddy. That’s the venue’s usual policy and we don’t really get a say in that sort of stuff.

Also, I want to tell you all that I will be selling a LIMITED, SIGNED, NUMBERED package of the forthcoming Stimulator album. I will only be doing this through the MySpace site – so make sure you request an add at, then send me a MySpace message that includes your email address and you will receive a PayPal invoice. Once that is paid, the special edition package will be sent. I will open this system up once I have all the items together but I am planning on a hard copy CD (limited to 75 copies), a tee shirt (again, limited to 75 shirts) and a glossy pic – all signed, numbered and dated. Price will be $50. I WILL NOT BE REPRESSING THIS CD so these are the only hard copies that will be available. This offer will be announced in full detail when I open it up during the week of release. The digital version of the album will be available on iTunes on April 8th."

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