IN FLAMES' Daniel Svensson - "This Is The Most Thoroughly Prepared Album We Have Ever Done"

March 31, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news in flames

Imhotep have issued an interview with IN FLAMES' Daniel Svensson in which he discusses live, life, the music and how the recording of the band's new album was different compared to the previous. The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Andreas Aubert:

Q: When you record drums, are you usually very certain about exactly what you are going to play?

A: “Usually, yes. I have the drum patterns for every riff more or less fixed, but all the fills and breaks I usually somewhat improvise during the recording.”

Q: Totally spontaneously?

A: “This time it was more spontaneous. Previously I have practiced some fills. This time I could be more creative during the recording process. I could stop in the middle of a song, and say “no, I will change this part with something else.” And we could spend two days to record drums for every song - meet and try new things. So that was very important, at least for me, and also for the others, I believe. Even if one has an idea for a song, has recorded it and listened to it sometimes, one may suddenly think 'fuck, I will try this instead'. We have not had time for this previously, then we have though in hindsight 'fuck, what if I could have done this instead?' Now we could try all ideas, and we had plenty of time. So this is the most thoroughly prepared album we have ever done.”

Read the full feature at Imhotep.

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