SEPULTURA Drummer Jean Dolabella Interviewed By Brazil's; Footage Available

April 7, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news sepultura

Brazil's has issued an interview with SEPULTURA drummer Jean Dolabella. Check out the video interview in two parts (in Portugueses) at the following locations: Part 1, Part 2.

In a recent update, Sepultura guitarist Andreas Kisser stated:

"We started the writing process for the new Sepultura album in our studio in Sao Paulo. We will follow kind of the same steps we did in our last album, Dante XXI, but this time we will be inspired by the book A Clockwork Orange, first released in 1962 written by Anthony Burgess and it's a movie, a classic, made by Stanley Kubrik. We will write our soundtrack for this story and Burgess' life will be an inspiration also to write the music, lyrics and for the artwork."

Stay tuned for further updates.

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