MEMORY GARDEN - "We Love Greece!"

April 17, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news memory garden

Swedish doom metallers MEMORY GARDEN have issued the following update:

"It is now a couple of days since we returned home from our trip to Greece and we just want to write a little about this journey of ours.

All in all we played three shows, two in Athens and one in Ioannina.

The first one was on Thursday, April 10th, in a small club in Athens together with MANILLA ROAD. We got the confirmation for this show pretty late, actually during the same day. Of course we wanted to do it since we were in Greece to play and we love Manilla Road and we were also very eager to get to play our first show in Greece. We played only 6 songs that night... just a small warm-up for what's to come. The crowed was really great though and we felt that this trip would be something out of the ordinary.

Friday was the first planned show-day, we played the Up the Hammers III festival in Athens together with bands like OMEN, HEATHENDOM, SENTINEL BEAST etc. We were on second last (Omen headlined) and we were really looking forward to this. All I can say is if we ever had any doubts (which we didn't) about if Memory Garden would work in Greece they vanished 1,3 second into our set. The crowed was just so amazing... knew every word in our lyrics, singing along with guitar melodies and just acted like total metal maniacs. Must have been the best night ever for Memory Garden.... we were just amazed.

Saturday was travel day for us since we had a seven hour trip to Ioannina. Left Athens around 1 PM, heading for a Memory Garden party at a local bar in Ioannina. When we arrived the party was already in full motion so we just tagged along. Many Jack Daniels and a lot of hours later I found myself waking up in my hotel room... very tired but very happy.

Sunday we had a show of our own in Ioannina, one local act opened up as well as Greek doomsters SORROWS PATH.

There we played a full set. 1 1/2 hour of Memory Garden hits. That show was also just amazing.... I guess you know by now that we love Greece.

We also would like to send a huge thanks to all of our Greek fans... you made us fell like kings!!! Hope to see you all very soon. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts."

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