SKULLSHIFTER Begin Mixing Inner Demons

April 21, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news skullshifter

SKULLSHIFTER, the New Jersey-based metal band featuring former INSANIAC members Tom Nolz and CJ Scioscia, as well as former EXXPLORER bassist J. McCaffrey, has completed the recording process and is now in mixing mode for their upcoming full-length CD, Inner Demons. Armed with the wealth of experience gained through working with producer Simon Efemy on Skullshifter's debut three-song EP Here In Hell in 2005, this new nine-song effort is being produced entirely by the band at Scioscia's studio, Le Chateau Bow Wow Recording, in Watchung, NJ.

With tracking beginning in September, 2007, and striving for nothing less than crushing metal perfection, the last piece of the puzzle was added this past Thursday as ROSS THE BOSS (THE DICTATORS, ex-MANOWAR) added his unmistakable lead guitar shredding to the song 'Etched In Sand'. Once again, Skullshifter will tap Alan Douches of West West Side Music for the mastering duties when mixing is completed.

Skullshifter's Inner Demons CD release event is scheduled to coincide with their appearance at New Jersey Heavy Metal Massacre 3 on Saturday, August 16, 2008, at Dingbatz in Clifton, NJ. The evening will also feature performances by DTA, COMBAT, MARTYRD and ETHEREAL COLLAPSE. Additional details and updates will be available at and

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