WHITESNAKE Guitarist DOUG ALDRICH - "We Are Going To Cherry Pick A Couple Of Tunes From Come An' Get It To Play Live"

May 3, 2008, 16 years ago

doug aldrich news whitesnake rock hard

Classic Rock Revisited founder Jeb Wright recently caught up with WHITESNAKE guitarist Doug Aldrich. Following is a brief excerpt from the interview.

Jeb: You have been with a lot of different bands. How do you write in the style of Whitesnake?

Doug: "This is similar to where I started off. My first recording band was back in the ‘80s called LION. We were not real well known. Our singer was a huge David Coverdale fan and he turned me onto a bunch of the early Whitesnake albums that had not been released in the United States at the time. It really turned out to be inspiration for Lion because we were like a junior Whitesnake.

When I worked with DIO I wasn’t able to bring in the bluesy elements as much because he is more metal – and that is the way it should be. When I got the call to work with David then I knew this was a really good opportunity and that I could bring something to the party."

Jeb: Coverdale has even said that this album has a lot of elements of early Whitesnake. I think this line up of the band has you on one guitar for the blues and hard rock and Reb Beach there for the '80s flair.

Doug: "Reb can play anything; he is a master. He went to the Berkeley School of Music. If I don’t know what chord I am playing all I have to do is ask Reb. Our styles compliment each other. My roots are in the British blues and bands like ZEPPELIN and CREAM. Later on I got into Southern Rock. When David got out of DEEP PURPLE then I thought Whitesnake had a Southern Rock vibe that I thought was really cool.

I love early Whitesnake. There is a record that I know you know called Come An' Get It that has a bunch of great tunes on it. We are going to cherry pick a couple of those tunes to play live. We dabbled with 'Love Hunter' when we did it in a medley and that was fun. We have played 'Take Me with You' which is a fun song to play live. I send David emails all the time and say, 'Here is some food for thought. Let’s play 'Child of Babylon.'' He says, 'Slow down. We can’t take 'Here I Go Again’ out of the set. If we can fit something in then we will.'"

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