MEL GALLEY - "I Have Drugs In Me 24/7, I Have A Plentiful Supply Of Gin And Tonic; It's Just Like My WHITESNAKE Days"

May 11, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news whitesnake mel galley

Guitarist Mel Galley (WHITESNAKE, TRAPEZE), who announced he was ill with cancer on February 7th and that his condition is terminal, has issued the following update via his official MySpace page:

"Hi to everyone and thanks so much for your continued kind words and wishes. They are truly appreciated by my wife and I. I want you to know that I am no longer going out to the pub — now the pub is coming to me. I have friends visit me at home each day, I have drugs in me 24/7, and I have a plentiful supply of gin and tonic by my bedside. I even have my own ice machine! In fact it's just like my Whitesnake days.

You will see from a couple of newly added pics (in the Recent Pics album) I have also got hold of my original Les Paul again. This beauty is responsible for the sound of all of my music from Hot Wire onwards. It's been many years since I held her and it's such a thrill to have her back again."

Go to this location for samples of Galley's work and several photo galleries.

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