TEXTURES Drummer - "So Grows Our Music Along With Our Taste And Experiences"

May 12, 2008, 16 years ago

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Hall Of Metal has issued a new interview with TEXTURES drummer Stef Broks. The following is an excerpt:

Q: First of all, I'd like to congratulate you for your new album called Silhouettes. I'm glad you haven't decided to resign yourselves and release another Drawning Circles.

A: "Ok, so I guess you like the progression we made. Thanx. Every record has to be somehow different. We’re not that kind of metal band that want to and can release a bunch of albums with the same kind of vibe. We grow as persons, so grows our music along with our taste and experiences."

Q: You are a very young band but you have already released 3 albums. Has it been easy to achieve a record deal with a label like Listenable?

A: "Actually it didn’t take such a long time before Listenable liked our album. A friend of us knew the guys of Listenable and contacted them. 'Oh, their cd is still on the big pile of new demo CDs', they said to him. But our guys answered: 'dudes, this album is different. Listen to it and you will agree.' Next morning at 9.00 o'clock we got a telephone call. The Listenable guys listened to the album all the night. So cool!!"

Read the full interview at Hall Of Metal.

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