ACE FREHLEY Bassist Anthony Esposito - "A Hell's Angels Friend Of Mine Introduced Me To Ace"

May 14, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard ace frehley has issued an interview with ACE FREHLEY bassist Anthony Esposito (ex-LYNCH MOB). The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Marko Syrjälä:

Q: How did you end up playing bass for Ace Frehley and how has it been to work with him?

A: "I started about two and a half years ago; a Hell's Angels friend of mine introduced me to Ace. He says, 'You need to meet Ace and Ace needs to meet you.' He put us together and Ace had some songs, he'd always have some demo songs that he was working on. We took everything and made a big long CD full of all the versions of all the songs, gave them working titles, started to pull everything that was floating into a room on a board. OK, let's work on this, the verse on this would go great with the fucking chorus... oh, let's try it.

Then we got in a room, it was me, Anton [Fig] and Ace and we just started playing, we started trying things and matching things. And Ace has the best impulses of a songwriter, his intuition when he writes songs is so genious, the way he picks 'Oh, we could do this...!', he's so brilliant.

So we basically took everything and then started recording when I had the studio in School House. We had Jay Messina engineering and we went in and recorded all these songs and then sat back. We listened, we mixed three songs, we recorded maybe fifteen, sat back and listened to them and he was like 'You know, this one should be faster. This one, maybe this guy was better to play to play drums on.' So Scot [Coogan] got on five songs, we re-recorded some of them. That's where it is now and then Ace goes, 'I feel like singing today', so we'd do a lead vocal that day.

The record is about 85% finished and it's fucking amazing. It's like he wanted to be like in the 1978 record where it wasn't just one sound, it was a bunch. Like you listen to 'Fractured Mirror' and then you go to 'New York Groove' and then you go to 'Rip It Up', they're all a different kind of vibe, but they're great songs. That's how this record is."

Read the full interview at the following locations: Part 1, Part 2.

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