GOD FORBID's Dallas Coyle On "Stage Presence And Kicking Ass" Live, Plus Tablature

May 16, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news god forbid

MetalSucks.net reports:

GOD FORBID guitarist Dallas Coyle has written the latest entry for his weekly column on MetalSucks, The Hard R. This week’s entry focuses on the art of performance; stage presence and entertaining the audience at live shows. It also features guitar tablature written by Dallas himself.

An excerpt from the blog follows:

"That brings me to what I’m going to talk about this week. This won’t be controversial so I’ll add something here:

George Bush is a Nigger. Barack Obama has black lips. Hillary Clinton looks like an unfuckable pug. I apologize to all the pugs I offended.

Ok, now that we have that out of the way let’s get into rocking out on stage so you can become a better showman after you have some kick ass songs.

We’ve toured for a long, long time. When we first started we were statues on stage because we were worried about making a mistake on stage. We had to be the tightest band ever. As we toured we realized that people came to shows to have fun. They didn’t give a shit about a mistake here or there. In all reality, most people can’t wait for a band to make a mistake. Our records are so tight it’s cool to see us flub here or there. Shit, we’ve even had to stop songs on several occasions because of us just fucking up. Fuck it! It’s fucking live! The live show is always a gamble depending on your situation. The one thing you can control all the time is your stage presence and your effort to connect with people. Fuck feedback. Fuck bad monitors. Fuck train wrecks on stage. Just get out there and give people their money’s worth! You don’t pay to be there but most likely they do, so let’s get amped!

The first step in getting your stage presence up is knowing where you can really show off and the places where you really have to play. Let’s take our song “The Lonely Dead” for example. My part when the song starts off is a pick slide into an open chord. We tune to dropped C on that song so the tuning would be CGCFAD.

(Tablature here)

If you notice, I’m only doing that one chord and it’s all open. I get to do what I want when I get the crowd pumped until I bar the sixth fret. Usually people start clapping during the build up double bass part so sometimes I clap with them because that shit is awesome. Other times I might just duck my head and nod knowingly that I’m kicking ass! Confidence is a huge part of stage presence and putting on a good show. Everyone needs to know you’re in control of your sound and the stage so it feels like a concert. We’re not walking through a museum. How many amazing live bands spend most of their time looking at their fret boards? Slipknot doesn’t. Slayer doesn’t. You get my drift.

To read the rest of this entry, visit MetalSucks.net.

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