HAIL OF BULLETS Guitarist Stephan Gebedi - "There's Definitely No Clash Of The Egos Going On In This Band"

May 26, 2008, 16 years ago

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About.com: Heavy Metal's Chad Bowar has issued an interview with HAIL OF BULLETS guitarist Stephan Gebedi. The following is an excerpt:

Q: Was the band chemistry immediate, or did it take a while for everyone to adjust to each other?

A: "I think it was pretty much there from the start. We all have a pretty harsh, black sense of humor and we enjoy taking the piss out of each other every now and then. Had there been someone in the band who couldn’t cope with that, I guess it wouldn’t have worked that easily. Everybody’s got their own opinions and we do not always agree on every point, but there’s definitely no clash of the egos going on in this band. I guess we’re too old and lazy for that kind of (crap)!"

Read the full interview at About.com: Heavy Metal.

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