SANCTITY Introduce Three New Band Members

May 29, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news sanctity

SANCTITY have issued the following update via their official MySpace page:

"Hey guys, this is probably long over due. So here is the rap about whats been going on with us. WE DID NOT BREAK UP!!!!!!!! Yes, we are still together. Basically, to make a long story short, Jared had a baby and decided to step down as our singer / guitar player. Derek as well decided to leave for his own personal reasons, there was no bad blood with anyone; those guys are our brothers and we had a good run with them. So now for the future of Sanctity, we have three new members: Scott Smith on bass, Zach Jordan on rythm gutar, and Nate Queen filling the shoes of frontman. We will have new pics up soon for everyone to see as well as some new songs once we are done. Zeff and I have never been happier with a lineup before. It's sad to see the guys go, but its inspiring to have these new guys with us. We cant be happier with the response and support we have had from everyone so far. Make sure to stay updated with all our new stuff."


Jeremy and Zeff

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