HELIX - Scrapbooks, The South Texas Rock Festival, And 'The Tequila Song'

June 8, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard helix

HELIX frontman Brial Vollmer has issued the following update:

Helix Scrapbooks And Memorabilia:

"For years I’ve been collecting Helix memorabilia, to the point where I have a six foot dresser stuffed with clippings, posters, buttons, you-name-it. I’ve come up with the idea of putting it all in scrapbooks (with the help of my friend William Carter from Windsor). I want to add little 'asides'- notes throughtout to explain what everything is, or to give my opinion on certain clippings or pics. I’m also going to get former members - Bruce Arnold, Don Simmons, Keith Zurbrigg, Brian & Brent Doerner, etc., etc. to sign each of them as well. When they are all finished I plan on selling them, either through Ebay or through Planet Helix, and donating the money to the S.P.C.A. Another idea was to have a benefit concert (for the S.P.C.A.) and have the auction the same night for the scrapbooks. Either way, this is to let everyone out there know they will be available so this opportunity to grab a little bit of rock and roll history doesn’t pass you by."

The South Texas Rock Festival - July 13th:

"This week I booked our flights for The South Texas Rock Festival in Bourne, Texas (just outside of San Antonio). We’re flying in on Thursday, July 10th, arriving mid-afternoon. Tom Mathers from Perris Records (our U.S. label) has arranged an instore for us at CD Trader:

10724 Perrin Beitel Rd.

San Antonio, TX 77217

Ph 210.590.0045

Also appearing Mad Margritt

Thursday July 10th, 2008

7 - 9 P.M.

We’re hoping fans drop by to say hello and get whatever memorabilia they have signed. The next day we’ll be going around to the different retail stores in the city (there’s 16) to say hello to everyone and thank them for stocking the new CD The Power Of Rock And Roll. Saturday we’ll probably do some sight-seeing and catch some of the other acts. Our set time is 5:30 on the Sunday afternoon, right before FIREHOUSE."

We've Started Writing Again (Or Is It Still?):

"Last Monday Gord, Steve, and I got together here at Planet Helix to begin the writing for the new CD. We’ve still got a lot of material left from previous sessions, so that’s where we picked up-where we left off. We ended up working on 'Make ‘Em Dance', 'Your Love’s A Heart Attack', and 'The Tequilla Song'. We hope to have a new disc out in early 2009."

'Fill Your Head' Continues To Receive Airplay:

"Lately I’ve had several fans tell me first-hand or by email that they have been hearing 'Fill Your Head With Rock' (our new single) on the radio. I appreciate those emails as they then allow me to contact the station and develop a relationship, or just to say 'thanks for the airplay.' If any of you know of a station giving us some spins, let me know!


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