OBITUARY Issue European Tour Recap, Picture Gallery Online

July 1, 2008, 16 years ago

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OBITUARY frontman John Tardy has checked in with the following update:

"Another great festival run that took us through Austria, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany and Italy. We really had a good time and thank all our fans for coming out and supporting us. We also would like to thank all the festivals for doing a great job putting together some really good shows.

We were fortunate to get to play with some really, really great bands like KISS, JUDAS PRIEST, DEF LEPPARD, WHITESNAKE and TESLA. I know they are not the heaviest bands in the world and I am not even a really big fan of some of them but, these are bands that have been around, sold shitloads of records and still know how to put on a great show!

We got home last night and now have a few weeks off before heading back for our third and final trip to Europe for the year. We will be in Lithuania, Holland, Finland, Germany and Denmark, so we hope to see you all out there. Once again thanks to our crew guys and our good friend Ken Andrews for all he did for us. A big thanks goes out to our good friend Maurice for helping us out too!"

Pictures from Obituary's European tour are available here.

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