Rocklahoma 2008 - Another First Hand Account, More Pictures Of Stage Collapse Available

July 13, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard

As previously reported, two stages at Rocklahoma 2008 in Pryor, Oklahoma collapsed Saturday evening (July 12th) as storms were moving through the area. The north and south side stages at the ‘80s metal music festival collapsed about 6:00pm. Following is a first hand account from Tony Z at

"Hey KATT fans, Tony Z in Pryor, Oklahoma for the five day '80s extravaganza known to all mankind as Rocklahoma!!!!! Seriously, this has been a real experience. There hasn’t been a festival that I have ever been to that I will remember more than Rocklahoma 2008. I guess that will be until KATTFEST 2008, right? About 6:00pm today, four days into the deal, a monsoon has converged upon this 'Town of all Seasons' and flooded all that was drying from storms earlier this week.

Earlier today as we sat meeting and shaking hands of the throngs of die hard KATT fans, yes they are here in droves, the rain moved in fairly quick. The two side stages collapsed causing no major injuries. Lightning, strong winds, and rain were all in the bundle of weather in store for Rocklahoma today.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as I sit and type this very blog to you, I have heard that they are continuing despite the rain. LYNCH MOB is currently playing to a fully soaked crowd of thousand or more!!!! This sh*t is the coolest!!!!!

Rocklahoma, the best ever!!!! I will be posting more about the festival as time goes on and after this unique experience happens. So keep it on the for the very latest Rocklahoma news and info."

Go to this location for more pictures of the stage collapse.

Previously released video footage of the aftermath can be viewed below.

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