SINNER / THE NEW BLACK Guitarist Contributes To Workshop In German Edition Of Guitar Magazine; Issue Now Available

July 22, 2008, 15 years ago

news the new black rock hard sinner

SINNER / THE NEW BLACK guitarist Christof Leim has issued the following update:

"Hey friends out there…

You know that I'm a rock addict and a smart ass – and now I was allowed to make use of both: Guitar has release a special edition issue called Schöol Of Metal II, which features workshops about all genres of heavy music and a huge part about the looong way from your air guitar sessions to the stage.

The latter is the part I have written, it includes essentials like 'What gear?', 'How to get a decent sound...' and 'How do I start writing songs?', but it also answers important questions as 'Why is it not important if you fuck up live if you look cool?', 'Why do you have to at least treat your guitar as more important than your girl?' and 'Why is it easier to live with a spoiled supermodel than keeping a band together?' (Hey, it was my job here to be a smart ass, and it was fun).

The workshop part was done by my buddy and fellow THE NEW BLACK riffer Fabs Schwarz, who is very damn good at the stuff with the lines and the dots on them and all the real music things. So that's TNB all over. Ha!

There lots of riffs tabbed out and played on the CD, even a full transcription of 'The Number Of The Beast', and a column by GRAVE DIGGER guitarist Manni Schmidt about recording guitars.

It's in German (do I hear a "Doh!"?) and costs only 5,90€. You can order here or find it at the newsstands.

Maybe you dig our collected, ehm, wisdoms from 20+ years of keeping the flame burning, regardless of the setting. Which is what most of us have to do. Rock'n'Roll is a blessing and a curse, right?

I'd kiss you all if it wasn't so damn cheesy."



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