GOD FORBID Guitarist: New Record Not Coming Out Until 2009

August 1, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news god forbid

GOD FORBID guitarist Dallas Coyle has written the latest entry for his weekly column on MetalSucks, The Hard R. This week Dallas offers more thoughts on the recording of the new album, and also reveals that it will not be released until 2009.

An excerpt from the blog follows:

"When I got back from LA last week I was just burnt the fuck out. I had heard the music so much I had no idea what the hell was going on. Yesterday, as I was moving into my new place I put all the songs in the order I thought they should be in and the record became much different. Track listing on a record is VERY important. If you're in a band pay attention to that. Before we hit the studio we always know what song is opening the record and what song closes the record. Always.

I realized a couple of things as I listened to my track listing. Our record is very, very diverse. It's so diverse that I'm a little worried about how it's going to play. There is some really catchy stuff. The singing is very hook oriented on certain songs. Some people have suggested that I've become a second singer. I'm not entirely comfortable with that label but I do have more parts on this record than I have on previous ones. The second half of the record is interesting because it takes a really dark tone. It wasn't intentional but it just seems the track listing is all about a journey from optimism to reality.

There's a song called 'Bat The Angels' that is very different than anything we've ever done. It's very dark and brooding but we have some stuff that's very thrash and traditionally melodic. I guess we've always done a lot of different things from record to record but this record seems to be going a bit far. We have a title for the record which I can't divulge yet but I really think we should call it '?'. I don't know what the fuck it's going to be! I hope that's exciting for you guys and girls who care.

In some other news regarding the record, it's not coming out 'til early next year. Our mixing situation fell through and we're taking our time now. Rushing a record is the worst thing you can do especially when it's as important as this record is for us. Look for a Jan/Feb release for the new GF album. I'm excited because I have a lot of time off to market this record and get my shit together in general.

To read the rest of this blog entry, visit www.metalsucks.net.

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