SEBASTIAN BACH - "If He'd Seen The Angel Down Backdrop That Big, My Dad Would Have Freaked Out"

August 7, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard sebastian bach

Vocalist Sebastian Bach is featured in a new interview with UK-based Dawn Irwin. The following in an excerpt from the chat:

Q: What led you to the decision to use the particular painting by your late father as the album cover (for Angel Down)?

Bach: "Well, the easy answer is that I didn't see a better one (laughs). There was no better cover that anybody showed me, so if you want something done right, do it yourself. That's the one that resonated into my eyes. My Dad died at the age of 57 and three weeks after he died I started playing Jesus Christ in 'Jesus Christ Superstar'. So to me and my family the painting looked as if it was almost like him in heaven looking at the play. He did it as the statue of David looking down at the painting, and his name was David. But this is all too depressing and I don't really like to talk about it, but that's what it is. What is incredible is that now we're on the Poison tour of the USA, every night we put the backdrop up. I made an arena sized backdrop like the size that would fit Wembley stadium - that big. Every night we play in front of it and I look at it right before I go on. Blown up that big, nobody can believe how incredible it looks and it just belongs on the big stage and if he'd seen it that big, my Dad would have freaked out. All the people in the cover are life sized people on the backdrop. It just looks great. I hope to lug it over to the UK next time we play because it looks awesome ... it's beautiful."

Q: I love the cover of 'Back in the Saddle'. How did you get Messrs Perry and Tyler's blessing for that?

Bach: "Axl (Rose) called Steve Tyler while we were recording it. He just goes (does Axl impression) 'We gotta call Steven' and he just dialled the number in his cell phone and handed me the phone. I had been screaming all day and my voice was really high and Steven said 'Sebastian, at least you haven't lost your high end!' Then he asked 'Who's on bass for Back in the Saddle?' I thought - who's on bass? Why? Then somebody told me that there are notes in the bass line of 'Back in the Saddle' that you can't hit on a four string. Steven was very concerned about that, so I told him that our bass player Steve DiGiorgio played a fretless bass on the whole record, and he said 'Oh, ok, that's good' and he was very pleased about that. But I just thought it was so cool that Steven Tyler's first concern was the bass line ... he was all fired up about the bass (laughs). Then Joey Kramer called me at home and said he'd heard the cover and thought it was absolutely amazing."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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