HADES - Q&A Session With Frontman ALAN TECCHIO Available

August 30, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news alan tecchio hades

HADES have posted a Q&A; session with frontman Alan tecchio online. It appears below in its entirety.

Q:What is your favorite Hades memory?

Tecchio: "Probably playing the Wacken Festival in Germany in 2001. That was amazing."

Q: In your opinion, what was Hades biggest mistake?

Techio: "Not taking time to work through our problems. Personally, I should have been more patient, looking back on that time. I was pretty young and naive. I was not mature enough to deal with the stresses of road life and band life in general. But I believe we all had a hand in our demise when you get right down to it."

Q: Which is your favorite Hades cd?

Tecchio: "Probably The Downside. But I love Exist To Resist and DamNation a lot too."

Q: What have you been listening to lately?

Tecchio: "Watershed by OPETH and all of my RUSH collection since I am in the middle of reading Neil's Roadshow book."

Q: Any memories of Hades show in Boston, out on DVD soon?

Tecchio: "I recall being very bummed out about some guys in the front row who were giving me the finger all night. The were cursing at us screaming, 'You suck!' and 'Get off the stage!' The upside was that I had my 'I Hate You' shirt on and at one point in the video you can see me tugging on my shirt and pointing at them. That made me feel somewhat better."

Q: Tell us about your new band.

Tecchio: "It's called AUTUMN HOUR and features Dave Lescinsky who played drums on Saviorself and The Downside.

We've written a concept cd about the near end of mankind and the role that accelerating technology plays in the wake of that. It's a story that was inspired by Ray Kurzwell's theory of The Singularity. We are calling the CD Dethroned and we started tracking the ten songs on, Sunday August 24th. A cover of EURYTHMICS 'Here Comes The Rain Again' will be included as it fits the theme quite well."

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